Scholl Consulting Group, Inc.
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HIPAA Consulting
  HIPAA Suite
  HIPAA Communication Center
  HIPAA Claim Printer
  HIPAA Claim Pro
HIPAA ClaimStatus
  HIPAA 834 Enrollment
  HIPAA 270/271 Eligibility
  HIPAA Auth and Review Pro

HIPAA Suite is a software package for payers that handles all of the federally mandated EDI transaction protocols. With its Operational data store HIPAAsuite is a front-end for e-buisness to existing payer systems. HIPAAsuite is designed

  • To achieve HIPAA transactionset compliance.
  • The ability to conduct healthcare transactions through X12 EDI with any trading partner
  • Provide a database with all the elements of an EDI transaction
  • Provide screen interfaces to respond to EDI requests. For example create a remittance advice, return the claim status, provide eligibility data and so on.
  • Give an open database interface to enable system integration.
  • Provide an extremely affordable HIPAA compliance tool
  • Modular Design. Use one or use all parts.

The HIPAA Suite consists of the following parts.

For more information please call or send an email to

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  18910 New Hampshire Ave | Brinklow, MD 20862 | (301) 924-5537 | Contact